Global searches forhow to save fuelwhen driving increased +55% from 2022 to 2023
Look for fuel-efficient routes
Did you know?Fuel-efficient routing in Google Maps finds routes with fewer hills, less traffic, and constant speeds to help you save gas.
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Adding it up
Fuel-efficient routing has helped avoid half a million metric tons of carbon emissions — that’s like taking 100,000 fuel-based cars off the road.
How we estimate this
Global searches forebikeshave more than doubled over the past 5 years
Search for the best ebikes
Did you know?
Biking can improve both your mood and health – and help you avoid the hassles of traffic and parking.
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Adding it upIf we all walk or bike for half of our trips of under a mile, we would save 2 million metric tons of CO2 emissions per year.From EPA
Global searches forelectric vehicleshave more than doubled over the past two years
Search for the best EVs
Did you know?New EV buyers can save money with tax credits, and up to
per year on fuel and maintenance compared to gas-powered vehicles.
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Adding it up
We can significantly reduce pollution by switching to EVs. Transportation accounts for one-fifth of global carbon emissions, and almost half of these come from gas-powered passenger vehicles.
From Our World in Data